The Humane Charities List is an online listing of health-related charities that do not fund or engage in animal-based research. This is the only reference guide of its kind in Australia and inclusion is free. When you complete the form below, we will review your submission to confirm your details and advise you of the outcome within a few days.
A health charity is a charity that directly addresses human health-related diseases, disorders, and/or conditions. Approaches may include but are not limited to: biomedical research; physical care; mental/emotional support; prevention; and/or educational resources. It means a person, corporation, partnership, or other organisation with legal existence, including, without limitation, its subsidiaries, affiliates, divisions, agents, and employees. You only need to apply once to become a Humane Charity. However, if your status changes you will need to advise us as soon as possible. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
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If you have any questions, suggestions or would like to nominate a charity for ‘Humane’ status, we would like to hear from you.
Toll-Free:1800 486 263 Mail to: Humane Charities Project Officer ℅ Animal-Free Science Advocacy PO Box 15 Fitzroy, VIC 3065 Australia
Enquiry Form
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