
Aims & Objectives

Synapse provides advocacy, training, and awareness with regard to Acquired Brain Injury. We are registered with the State Government as a legal charitable entity. Our Objectives: 1. to ensure that all people living with Acquired Brain Injury have access to the support and resources they need to optimise their social and economic participation in a welcoming community through, but not limited to, community engagement, systematic and individual advocacy and service coordination; 2. to influence the strategic direction of governments and decision makers through evidence including formal research, information, policy development, and advocacy; 3. to strengthen the capacity of all people living with Acquired Brain Injury and their families and/or carers in metropolitan, regional, and remote communities to have a voice; 4. to build partnerships in the community, business, and government sectors; and 5. in conjunction with other organisations, to conduct health promotion that will contribute to a reduction in the incidence of brain injury

Animal Research Policy

Synapse does not directly engage in nor fund any activities that support experiments on nonhuman animals.


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